Industrial Automation
Highness manufactures industrial-grade displays suitable for use in Industrial Automation application
such Textile Spinning, Weaving and Embroidery Machines, Automobile Manufacturing,
Power Generation, Injection-Moulding, Process-Flow and Control etc.
These displays suit industrial standards with regards to their specifications and working environment
Ruggedized Displays for Industrial & Factory Automation; built in IP65 ~ IP68 metal enclosure to withstand heat, dust, humidity & oily environment
Industrial grade Touch Monitors with metal-enclosures suitable for Factory Automation, Process Flow & Control functions. Easy to integrate with legacy systems or new designs & customize-able for specific requirements
Ruggedized Displays with Embedded Board / Microprocessor & host of additional features such as Ethernet/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, Serial & USB communication and GPIO ports. Supports Linux / Android
Ruggedized Display with built-in x86 or Embedded computing capabilities- available in a variety of configurations with I/O & Comm. ports; Fan / Fan-less design
Industrial Grade HMI Displays with integrated Micro-controller offering variety of I/O & Comm. ports. GUI software & Command sets to design interface screen for suitable navigational controls
Ruggedized & Rackmount-able KVM-switch displays with single or multi-port inputs for automation & navigational controls
These Industrial-grade Displays allow rear-mounting through corner holes or front-mounting over VESA holes. The enclosures are designed to offer IP64~IP68 protection from front side
These displays are without front-bezel / frame; they offer mounting options from rear so that the displays can be wall / surface flushed